Certainly moissanite is one of the first and most common precious stones buyers choose as a diamond alternative.
Its fire, durability, and much more affordable price tag make it an attractive and popular choice for those who want to look their best without ending in debt.
That being said, a significant question buyers always ask is, "Is moissanite natural or lab-made?"
Let's clarify things a bit with this article and walk you through precisely how this diamond alternative comes to the store shelves.
Introduction to Moissanite: Brief Description.

Is Natural Moissanite Authentic?
Moissanite is also a rare gemstone. In 1893, it was discovered by a French chemist, Dr. Henri Moissan, who found small crystals in a meteorite crater in Arizona.
For the first time, it was mistaken for diamonds, but he later found out that it was a completely different material. Eventually, it was named moissanite after that incident.
Natural moissanite is very rare in nature and only exists in unlikely tiny quantities under specific conditions usually connected with the meteorite and other very rare geological formations.
It has been found in a few places around the world, including the U.S., Israel, and Russia, but is exceedingly rare and mostly found as trace amounts in meteorites or as microscopic crystals in certain kinds of rocks.
As natural moissanite is so rare, most of the moissanite in the market available are synthetic. These are cheaper and have the same beauty as that of natural moissanite.
What is the reason that most moissanite is synthesized?
Because of the rarity of natural moissanite and the small quantity available in nature, natural moissanite is incredibly impractical for general jewelry use.
Due to which synthetic moissanite has become a more popular option. In the late 20th century, companies began developing processes to manufacture moissanite in a lab and by the late 1990s the first commercially viable moissanite gems were introduced onto the market.
Making moissanite in the retail laboratory is clean, efficient, and ethical. Manufacturers can rely on synthetic processes to make large quantities of quality gems that are larger than their naturally occurring counterparts.
Lab-grown moissanite jewelry is chemically and optically identical to natural moissanite and has exactly the same structure, which translates into equal quality and durability.
How Is Lab-Created Moissanite Made?

Lab-created moissanite starts its life in the laboratory by using cutting-edge technology procedures that involve high-temperature and pressure conditions. Here is a simplified view of how lab-grown moissanite is made:
Seed Creation: A small crystal "seed" of silicon carbide is prepared to allow for the growth of moissanite.
High-Temperature Environment: Once the seed is fixed, it is subjected to high temperatures and controlled environments to simulate the natural formation of moissanite.
Crystal Growth: The growth comes from weeks of the free silicon carbide molecules arranging themselves around the seed and forming larger crystals of moissanite. This growth happens under strict control to ensure uniform growth of the crystal.
Faceting and polishing: Once the crystals are of a desired size, they are carefully cut and polished into gemstones to enhance their brilliance and fire.
A whole professional team and personalized equipment are involved in the creation of moissanite. The result will be a jewel that is beautiful and strong, just like a diamond, but far more affordable and accessible.
Main Differences Between Natural and Lab-Created Moissanite
Even if both stones share a similar chemical constitution, their origin seems to pose other differences:
Rarity: Natural moissanite is extremely rare and virtually impossible to source for the purpose of jewelry-making, lab-created moissanite, however, is easily available.
Cost: Natural moissanite can never be jewelry for the simple reason of its scarcity and would otherwise be priceless if at all accomplished. Lab-created moissanite comes at half the price compared to a diamond.
Ethical and Environmental Considerations: On the other hand, lab-grown moissanite is grown in an environment treated under a high degree of control, and thus with less environmental impact to worry about and better ethical sourcing.
Why Choose Moissanite?

Moissanite with its sparkling fire, affordability, and other prime qualities appears to be a great choice when it comes to gemstones. There are several reasons which support this statement.
Affordability: Moissanite is a diamond-stone substitute and additionally quite cheap.
Brilliance and Fire: Moissanite will sparkle brighter and show more fire than diamonds.
Durability: It showcases a hardness of 9.25 on the Mohs scale, making it highly scratch- and-chip-resistant, while being the best option for everyday wear.
Ethically Unearthed: While diamonds are often frowned upon owing to various moral and environmental concerns, lab-grown moissanite offers a guilt-free alternative.
Moissanite compares with diamond-
If you were to compare the two stones, their feature-wise comparison will help you to decide wisely between them.
The Aesthetics: Although moissanite and diamonds look about similar, moissanite normally has a higher refractive index, displaying a more brilliant play of fire than diamonds and often looking ‘livelier’ and colorful when placed under sunlight.
Price: Diamonds are 10 folds more expensive than moissanite. This results in moissanite fascinating budget-conscious buyers.
Ethics: Lab-grown moissanite is the more ethical alternative, as it sidesteps many potential social and environmental issues surrounding diamond mining.
Durability: Diamonds are slightly more durable. However, since moissanite is a lot more resistant to chips and scratches, it would work for rings and other pieces of jewelry just like diamonds.
Common Misconceptions About Moissanite
Moissanite is often misunderstood for a diamond because this gemstone closely resembles diamonds. Here are some of the popular misconceptions.
"Moissanite is a Fake Diamond": This is not true; moissanite is a gem with its own unique features. It is not intended to be a "fake" diamond, but rather a fine alternative.
"Moissanite is Overly Sparkly": Moissanite possesses a different type of brilliance compared to diamond. Some people like it for its high sparkle, while others might prefer a subtler diamond look.
"All Moissanites Look The Same": There are, in fact, different grades of moissanite, which include the colorless and near-colorless varieties. In higher grades, moissanite is likely to have greater clarity and shine nearer to those of diamonds.
How To Tell A Lab-Created Moissanite From A Natural One
Since natural moissanite is very rare, almost every piece you see in the market must have been created in a lab. But in case you need confirmation, here are some of the ways in which you can identify them:
Certificate: Most reputable manufacturers offer certifications for their moissanite that can prove they are lab-grown.
Testing: While this can be carried out by professional jewelers who can perform a test to determine a gemstone's composition, such operations typically only show whether a stone is moissanite or not, and they do not separate lab-created and natural forms.
Source: Anyone selling natural moissanite should be extremely rare, any other seller claiming to be selling a natural piece should be approached with caution.
Moissanite is both natural and man-made. However, for all practical purposes, nearly all moissanite sold on the market is lab-grown. While there exists a natural moissanite, it is practically unheard of and its use is extremely limited. Cultivated and lab-created moissanite provides a beautiful, ethical, and affordable option that entices many jewelry enthusiasts.